Watford Observer

United Kingdom (Regional)

  • Specification: NewspaperAds_1v4 (by GWG)
  • PDF Standard: PDF/X-1a:2001
  • Crop Marks: Required for ads with bleed

Convert to CMYK using these settings:

Display Fixed Sizes

  • Full Page W 259mm x H 320mm
  • Double Page Spread W 548mm x H 320mm
  • Must be supplied as one file

Display Column Sizes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
27mm 56mm 85mm 114mm 143mm 172mm 201mm 230mm 259mm

Maximum column height: 320mm


Classified Fixed Sizes

  • Full Page W 259mm x H 320mm
  • Double Page Spread W 548mm x H 320mm
  • Must be supplied as one file

Classified Column Sizes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
27mm 56mm 85mm 114mm 143mm 172mm 201mm 230mm 259mm

Maximum column height: 320mm


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