The Deal Magazine (NSW)

Australia (National)

  • Specification: MagazineAds_1v4 (by GWG)
  • PDF Standard: PDF/X-1a:2001
  • Crop Marks: Required for ads with bleed
    • Binding: Saddle stitch

Convert to CMYK using these settings:

Newsprint (350 Mag)

Supplied material must be Press Ready, PDF version 1.4. All PDFs must be CMYK, supplied to the correct dimensions, with no printer marks. All files must be supplied before the deadline. Alterations will not be made to supplied PDFs. Replacement material must be supplied.

Photoshop setup – CMYK (Newsprint)

  • Resolution – 200dpi
  • Ink Weight – 230%
  • Separation Type – GCR
  • Black Ink Limit – 80% (recommended)
  • Dot Gain – 30%
  • Highlight set at a minimum of 3%

All fonts must be embedded. 10pt minimum reverse type, sans serif. Colour type 10pt minimum.

Leave 5mm text free on either side of the centre.

  • M3X3

    Trim: W 145mm x H 95mm

    Bleed: W 156.0mm x H 105mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 129mm x H 82mm

  • M6X3 (Quarter)

    Trim: W 145mm x H 180mm

    Bleed: W 156.0mm x H 190mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 129mm x H 167mm

  • M12X3 (Half Page Vertical)

    Trim: W 145mm x H 350mm

    Bleed: W 156.0mm x H 360mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 129mm x H 337mm

  • M9X4 (Portrait)

    Trim: W 190mm x H 264mm

    Bleed: W 201.0mm x H 274mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 174mm x H 251mm

  • M2X6 (Small Strip)

    Trim: W 278mm x H 66mm

    Bleed: W 289.0mm x H 76mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 262mm x H 53mm

  • M3X6 (Medium Strip)

    Trim: W 278mm x H 95mm

    Bleed: W 289.0mm x H 105mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 262mm x H 82mm

  • M3X12 (Medium Strip Spread)

    Trim: W 550mm x H 95mm

    Bleed: W 561.0mm x H 105mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 534mm x H 82mm

  • Must be supplied as one file
  • M4X6 (Large Strip)

    Trim: W 278mm x H 123mm

    Bleed: W 289.0mm x H 133mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 262mm x H 110mm

  • M6X6 (Half Page Horizontal)

    Trim: W 278mm x H 180mm

    Bleed: W 289.0mm x H 190mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 262mm x H 167mm

  • M6X12 (Half Page Horizontal Spread)

    Trim: W 550mm x H 180mm

    Bleed: W 561.0mm x H 190mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 534mm x H 167mm

  • Must be supplied as one file
  • M12X6 (Full Page)

    Trim: W 278mm x H 350mm

    Bleed: W 289.0mm x H 360mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 262mm x H 337mm

  • M12X12 (Double Page Spread)

    Trim: W 550mm x H 350mm

    Bleed: W 561.0mm x H 360mm 5mm top and bottom, 5.5mm left and right

    Type: W 534mm x H 337mm

  • Must be supplied as one file

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