Harpers Bazaar

United Kingdom (National)

  • Specification: MagazineAds_1v4 (by GWG)
  • PDF Standard: PDF/X-1a:2001
  • Crop Marks: Required for ads with bleed
    • Binding: Perfect binding
    • Gutter Allowance: 5mm

Convert to CMYK using these settings:

Display Fixed Sizes

  • Whole Page

    Trim: W 215mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 221mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 192mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • Double Page Spread

    Trim: W 430mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 436mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 410mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • Each page must be supplied as a separate file
  • DPS Half Page

    Trim: W 430mm x H 142mm

    Bleed: W 436mm x H 148mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 410mm x H 132mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • Each page must be supplied as a separate file
  • 1/2 Page Vertical

    Trim: W 103mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 109mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 93mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • 1/2 Page Horizontal

    Trim: W 215mm x H 142mm

    Bleed: W 221mm x H 148mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 192mm x H 132mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • 1/4 Page Portrait Type: W 93mm x H 132mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • 1/4 Page Vertical Strip

    Trim: W 54mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 60mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 44mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • 1/4 Page Horizontal

    Trim: W 215mm x H 73mm

    Bleed: W 221mm x H 79mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 192mm x H 63mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • DPS Quarter Page

    Trim: W 430mm x H 73mm

    Bleed: W 436mm x H 79mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 410mm x H 63mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • Each page must be supplied as a separate file

6 Page Front Gatefold

IMPORTANT NOTE – This title is saddle-stitched therefore no gutter allowance is necessary.

Live Matter
This should be at least 10mm from trim edges.

Gutter Allowance
There should be 5mm on each side of the centre line in addition to the normal word or letter spacing. (i.e. 10mm plus normal word or letter spacing )

Where it is essential that detail within the picture itself presents a single image across the spine gutter when perfect bound then the picture image should be duplicated across the centre line for 5mm on each side (i.e. 10mm in all). This duplication of the image must be included within the trimmed page width and not added to it.

Reverse Lettering
Reverse lettering should be produced with a minimum of colour using the dominant Colour for the shape of the letter and making lettering in subordinate colours slightly larger to reduce register problems. Small type sizes, particularly in serif faces should be avoided.

  • T1 - Text One

    Trim: W 215mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 221mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 195mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • IFC - Inside Front Cover

    Trim: W 210mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 216mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 190mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • FC - Front Cover

    Trim: W 210mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 216mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 190mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • OF - Outside Flap

    Trim: W 200mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 206mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 180mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • IF - Inside Flap

    Trim: W 200mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 206mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 180mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

Bespoke Insert

  • Bound Insert Bespoke

    Trim: W 595mm x H 290mm

    Bleed: W 601mm x H 296mm 3mm all round

    Type: W 573mm x H 270mm

    Gutter Allowance: 5 mm

  • Must be supplied as one file

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